It’s difficult for me to ask for help. As a result, I have neglected my site for some time. I keep on promising to recover my old content, and to start using it again. I’ve steadfastly failed at that for the last 5 or 6 years now. I’ve made some progress, but I’ve also failed quite spectacularly to follow through, so to speak. Whether it’s to recieve constructive feedback and pointers, or siply for catharsis – I’ve decided to start writing again.
As promised so often in past years, I have finally tried recovering my old writings from the disk they were stored on. For those not in the know, The server hosting the blog was a victim of the “great flood of 2008”. In an unplanned experiment (aka an accident), a large volume of water passed over and through the two servers I was running at the time. This obviously killed the motherboards, but the disks were dry. Unfortunately, my efforts at recovery have not been successful. The SQL databases were nowhere to be found, so I’ve either not found the right disk – or the disks got fried when the motherboards went.
This is a slight source of displeasure for me. There were a *lot* of blog entries which gave a great insight into how I was thinking and feeling at the time. I used to find writing cathartic, and it contained some photos and musings with those who encouraged me. The main person who encouraged me is sadly no longer with us, so losing that content is a bummer. Who knows – I might find that it was all on another disk that I’ve yet to uncover – I’ve not been able to check any of the SCSI disks, only IDE. I have far too many of the things lying around.
It has become clear that my mental state is in decline. I think this has been noticed early enough to be combatted. To that end, I’ve decided that I should start writing *personally* again – not the tech stuff that I’ev variously concocted in recent times. I will be limiting access to the posts, this time through the use of user accounts. Once you have an account, you will have free access to read and comment. Anyone who wants a username and password can have one. Whilst I may feel the need to share my feeling and thoughts – I only wish to share them with those I trust. There are topics which will be potentially difficult for some, and many which will be almost impossibly difficult for me. They will, however, be honest and hopefully to the point. Some might even be entertaining – it’s not all doom and gloom.
Topics that I will be covering will be those that are causing me most concern, including my physical and mental health and the causes of decline in those areas. Feedback will be welcomed – I don’t have the answers to dealing with my problems and collaboration seems like the best thing. To get yourself an account, you can register here.
Take care,