If I’ve done you a favour, made you smile, or you’ve enjoyed some of the tutorials on my Business site, and you would like to say thanks, this is the place to be!
Black PLA Plus 2D Printer filament
PLA: Glow in the Dark (Blue)
PETG Printer Filament (Pink)
Kester 44 Roisin Core Solder
Solder for working on boards
Sodlering Flux
For working on circuit boards
Enamelled Wire (34AWG)
For repairing broken circuit board tracks
Enamelled wire (40SWG)
Enamelled wire for working on circuit boards.
Multimeter (USB Prgrammable)
USB programmable multimeter
CSI 3005P USB Programmable Bench Supply
Bench power supply for (0v-30v)
SD Card (Already gifted)
Kindly gifted by Martin and Lisa. Thank you :)
SD cards are like AAA batteries. You can never have enough of them :)